M270A1 FCS Obsolescence Containment and Redesign (FCS-OCR)

•ABT provided the system architecture
•Reduced the number of processors from
7 to 2
•Removed all processors from the Launcher
and Weapon Interface Units (LIU / WIU)
•FPGA-based architecture
•reduced obsolescence risk
•reduce operating power by 50%
•Reduced the number of cards
•Higher integration / functionality
•Cards shared between LIU and WIU
•Designed and developed all WIU cards
•Managed / supported L3-Harris in
developing LIU cards IAW with ABT-developed architecture
•ABT Implemented the turret control law in the L3-Harris LIU
•Program demonstrated S3I capability of developing SW and HW to PM STORM
•Resulted in S3I being selected to develop and maintain MLRS launcher SW
•HW architecture re-used in the IFPC Inc-2 Multi-Mission Launcher

Indirect Fires Protection Concept Increment-2 Multi-Mission Launcher (MML)
•For the MML, ABT developed the following elements:
•System architecture including system message protocol
•Developed the MML Executive SW framework
•Fire Control System (FCS) electronics
•1 Common FPGA Card (CFC)
•1 Rail Power Card (RPC) for the LAU-128 Rail-mounted Weapon Control Unit(s) (WCU) (15x)
•1 Common Power Card (CPC)
•1 Ethernet Switch Card (ESC) for Launcher Control Unit (LCU)
•Developed and integrated the Turret Control Algorithm
•common to the Clip Control Unit (CCU)
•Assisted in the design of the interconnect cables
•Performed HW/SW integration
•ABT assisted in the qualification testing of the EMD electronics
•ABT assisted in the implementation of the functional testers
•Used by L3-Harris and Dynetics to produce the cards and LRUs
•ABT developed the real-time turret simulator used in the HWIL
•ABT developed the Algorithmic State Machine (ASM) IP used in the MML (MLRS) FPGAs
•Assisted in the transfer of this technology to Dynetics (L3-Harris)

Serial ICE / Wireless ICE Calibrator and Tester

ABT developed the factory acceptance tester for Serial ICE.
•Developed all hardware and software
•Menu driven interface for ease of operator use
•Adapted design as calibration tool for ICE
•Utilizes external intelligent DVOM for measurements
•Unit tests and calibrates each of the sub-assemblies, and functionally tests the ICE system including the cable set
•Used as training tool in the classroom
•Due to design does not need calibration itself

Optical Correlator
ABT provided the systems engineering and rapid prototype development required for the electronics of the Optical Correlator for SM-3 Demonstration Program.
•FPGA technology for video digitizer and marks overlay, based on an ABT design for the Phalanx CIWS
•Designed/constructed HWIL electronics
•Developed 180 Hz 1M pixel digital camera
•Developed digital alignment mechanism for correlator’s optical axis
•Designed and built input/output plane
•Modular SLM drivers using 320Mbps LVDS
•Developed innovative algorithms for processing video data streams in the FPGA – for example, developed a multiplier-free 9x9 Unsharp Mask for sharpening the input image to improve output plane sharpness

MLRS Mixed Loads
•Objective: Allow MLRS M270A1 IFCS Launcher to support multiple, simultaneously loaded weapon pods without software reload
•Evaluated MLRS IFCS software architecture (VxWorks 2.01/2.2, GHC Ada, C/C++ BSP)
•13 Weapon Types – 26 Weapon-specific CSCIs
•500k+ LOC per weapon: ~200k LOCs weapon specific
•Determined minimalist approach to merge the two weapon classes
•Guided Rockets (2), TACAMS Block 1A (3)
•Minimal modifications to SA/MMI display
•Modification to only two system messages in order to direct ballistics processing to appropriate ballistics calculator
•Modified and merged weapon and ballistics managers for two weapons
•Tested and demonstrated the Mixed Loads software
•Used Hardware-Independent software test bed to speed development
•Demonstrated on M270A1 Launcher using AFTDS with SINCGARS radio communications and weapon simulators
•Iron bird and firing test is all that remains to be performed before release